A selection of the following articles are shared by The Conception Diaries which is an independent, non-profit initiative, founded by Dr Prati A. Sharma, to share vital fertility information with the community.

BORN Ontario was the victim of a cybersecurity incident earlier this year and your information may have been impacted.

BORN Ontario Cybersecurity Incident

CReATe Fertility Centre is seeking feedback from our patients as we consider a transition from a mandatory mask policy to a mask-friendly policy.

Mask policy survey

This year we are "Redefining (In)Fertility” for Canadian Fertility Awareness Week by highlighting all the different ways Canadians create their families.

Canadian Fertility Awareness Week 2023: Redefining (in)fertility

You asked, we listened. We are transitioning cycle monitoring to a new format to better serve you.

Changes to our cycle monitoring process

Dr. Svetlana Madjunkova, Director of Reproductive Genetics at CReATe Fertility Centre, is giving a talk at the 3rd IVF Worldwide Congress on 2 April 2021.

CReATe researcher to Speak at 3rd IVF World Congress

Fertility Benefits Matter launched today as a campaign to improve fertility benefits, because every Canadian who needs help building a family should be able to get it.

Fertility Benefits Matter launches

Our Reproductive Genetics team just published a groundbreaking study in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the most prestigious journal in medicine.

New England Journal of Medicine publishes CReATe team!
via The Conception Diaries

Learn to recognize the symptoms of the baby blues and postpartum depression — sadness, anxiety, irritability, worry, fatigue — and get treatment if needed.

Surviving the blues
via The Conception Diaries

Many women face cultural, socio-economic, and language barriers to getting pregnant. We’ll try to shed light on these barriers in this post.

Addressing barriers to fertility care
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Assisted reproduction has come a long way since 1978. Now, we can help same-sex couples and transgendered and single people start a family.

Men having babies: Not as tricky as it seems!
via The Conception Diaries

For years, people believed that fresh embryos were superior to frozen. But freezing technology has advanced so much that frozen embryos have now caught up.

Fresh vs. frozen
via The Conception Diaries

Every woman want to be the ideal superwoman. But that stress can affect one’s fertility. So, how do you relieve the pressure? Here are a few ways.

Infertility and imperfection in the internet age
via The Conception Diaries

After mourning the dream of conceiving a child in a relationship, many women discover another exciting possibility: becoming a single mother by choice.

Single and longing to be a mom
via The Conception Diaries

This handy glossary of common fertility acronyms will help you better understand what might seem like an overwhelming amount of jargon.

Fertility 101: Common terms in the fertility clinic
via The Conception Diaries

During the IVF stimulation process, some patients expect the number of follicles to equal the number of embryos. But the human body doesn’t work like that.

The numbers game: Why the number of eggs does not always equal the number of embryos
via The Conception Diaries

Is the embryo lab a mystery to you? For the embryologist, highly trained in performing microscopic tasks, this lab is their home. Let’s look at what goes on.

Behind the scenes: The embryology lab
via The Conception Diaries

What is the actual risk of a miscarriage? How do you cope if it happens to you? And what are your next steps towards a healthy pregnancy?

Pregnancy problems: Dealing with miscarriage!
via The Conception Diaries

What happens during the IVF egg retrieval procedure? Will it hurt? What kind of anasthesia will you get? We’ll answer these questions and more.

The IVF egg retrieval
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What are the symptoms of the two-week wait (2WW), the two weeks after your fertile period when you are ovulating and trying to conceive, and what should you do?

Surviving the two-week wait
via The Conception Diaries

Absent or infrequent ovulation is a common problem. Address it by tracking your menstrual cycle, and by using a basal body thermometer and an OPK.

Am I ovulating?
via The Conception Diaries

Most IVF patients think more eggs is better. But using lower doses of fertility drugs (known as mini-IVF) could result in better-quality eggs and embryos.

Mini-IVF: Is it for me?
via The Conception Diaries

Complementary treatments such as acupuncture and herbal treatments have gone mainstream. Which ones will maximize your IVF success rate?

Fertility add-ons: Complementary treatments to increase your IVF success
via The Conception Diaries

Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) can dramatically improve the selection of embryos for transfer, and has become a standard option in fertility clinics.

IVF + PGS: A recipe for success?
via The Conception Diaries

As advanced as reproductive medicine is, we still struggle to reduce the stress of infertility treatment. Mind-body wellness can play a role.

Syncing mind and body: Mental and physical wellness to help achieve your fertility goal
via The Conception Diaries

There is strong data to support your effort to maximize your health while trying to conceive. So, what vitamins and foods contribute to reproductive health?

Nutrition and fertility: Food for thought
via The Conception Diaries

More patients are opting for IVF sooner, resulting in more frozen embryos in IVF clinics. This begs the question, What do you do with your leftover embryos?

Have more kids or stop? What to do with your extra embryos?
via The Conception Diaries

Most women know that fertility decreases with age. So, seeing celebrities in their 40s and 50s get pregnant, seemingly with ease, is confusing! What gives?

Flying solo, part 2: “How healthy are my eggs?”
via The Conception Diaries

Single women are increasingly exploring egg freezing as an option. But what is egg freezing, how does it work, and can you afford it?

Flying solo, part 1: “Egg freezing — Is it for me?”
via The Conception Diaries

The Zika virus has made hopeful parents think twice before travelling. But what are the true risks? Is anywhere safe? Or should you just stay home?

What’s up with Zika?
via The Conception Diaries

One big decision is how to fertilize your eggs: standard insemination or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Let’s walk through their pros and cons.

Standard insemination or ICSI: What is the best way to fertilize your eggs?
via The Conception Diaries

A common question I am asked by women undergoing fertility treatment is, What are the do’s and don’ts for exercise in early pregnancy? Here are some tips.

To work out or not to work out, that is the question
via The Conception Diaries

The clinic visits, “on-call” inseminations and hormone treatment are a recipe for disaster. How do you keep your relationship going and try to have a baby?

Stress, love and fertility
via The Conception Diaries

A steady stream of information about IVF is feeding the Internet, some accurate, some less so. Here is the who, what, where, when and how of IVF treatment.

The 5 W’s of IVF
via The Conception Diaries

It’s day 2 of your menstrual cycle, and the start of a new cycle of fertility treatment. Exciting but daunting. What is the right next step?

It’s day 2: Pills, injections or both? Ovarian stimulation options: Which is best?
via The Conception Diaries

Starting a family while managing kids is hard for a stepmom! But, while stressful, it can also be a very happy time. How do you keep it all together?

Managing two families: How to cope with infertility as a stepmom
via The Conception Diaries

Infertility is not at all uncommon, and you are not alone. It affects 15 to 20% of couples. So, when is truly the right time to see a specialist?

Is it time to see a fertility specialist?
via The Conception Diaries

Dealing with infertility is hard: the testing, monitoring, injections. At the end of it all, is it better just to have twins and be done with it?

The truth about multiples: Is two better than one?
via The Conception Diaries

The wait to do your first βhCG test to confirm a pregnancy can be one of the toughest parts of fertility treatment. Read on to know what to expect!

Deciphering the math of βhCG levels
via The Conception Diaries

It’s never too early to have a fertility evaluation. Although natural fertility declines over the age of 30, every woman’s biological clock is different.

Going solo: What are my options?
via The Conception Diaries

The path that brought you to the fertility clinic was probably fraught with some challenges, and feeling nervous about your first visit is normal.

First impressions: What to expect at the fertility clinic
via The Conception Diaries

We all think starting a family is a natural process. Nobody dreams of having a fertility issue, and for some, the journey may require outside intervention.

Ready, set, go! Let’s have a baby!
via The Conception Diaries

After all the poking, the meds, the monitoring and many two-week waits, you finally get the news! It worked! You are pregnant! The test is positive!

To reveal or not to reveal: That is the question!