Elective Egg Freezing

Elective egg freezing, also known as social egg freezing is useful for women who, for personal reasons, want to delay family building.

As a woman ages, egg quality declines, along with the chances of having a healthy baby. From a strictly biological standpoint, the most optimal time to have a baby is in your 20’s; however, it is not always practical to do so, and many women choose to delay childbearing for personal, educational, medical, financial, or other reasons.

Egg freezing provides a woman with the option to preserve her eggs at a younger age, when the eggs are of better quality, until she is ready to have a baby. Better quality eggs are associated with better birth outcomes, including less miscarriages and a lower chance of having a baby born with abnormalities.


To learn more about the process of egg freezing to determine if egg freezing is right for you, download our free, interactive app with educational videos and tools to help you guide your decision. For more information, visit the FrzMyEggs website

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